Funny Wars:The Tabletop Game

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Funny Wars: The Tabletop Game is a 2022 tabletop strategy game made in Tabletop Simulator. The game is played between 4 players in either free for all or 2v2 form.


The evil Luigi.exe has cloned many characters from across the Funny Wars universe, and all-out war has broken out between them!


Players each choose a general character: The Cop, Dr. Poopy Fart, General Kill Pain, and Poopotron. They then have to gather minions and try to conquer the opponent's bases while guarding their own! Each general has their own set of ability cards to help them. Alongside this, effect cards can be found in the main deck which cause many different things to occur.


To-do: elaborate on both of these and explain what the contents of them actually were.

  • The game was completely redone about 3-4 times prior to release, each with a different playstyle and each failing the playtest for not being very fun.
  • This is not the first Tabletop Simulator game based on Funny Wars; in 2019, an unreleased card game was developed.
  • The idea came to one of the founders in the shower.