Issue 1

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Funny Wars Issue 1 is the first issue of the Funny Wars comic series. It focuses on building the world and The Cop stopping a small Poopburbian invasion. It was released in May of 2022.

Major Character Debuts

Plot Synopsis

The comic opens with an introduction to Funnyville. It then shows the Funnyville Mall and the cave beneath it, introducing our hero, The Cop, sleeping in bed. He is awoken to a phone call from the Funnyville President, telling him to meet with The Senator, and that this is urgent. Our hero then rushes out of bed and up his staircase.

We then cut to a meeting in Poopburbia between Dr. Poopy Fart, General Kill Pain, Jerry, Charles, and the third soldier. Fart announces his new line of Poopburbian Soldier robots are read. He claims he will use them to conquer Funnyville and defeat The Cop once and for all.

We cut back to The Senator and Cop meeting in Funnyville's town hall. The Senator tells The Cop they intercepted Poopburbian intel saying that Poopy Fart is planning to attack. Before The Senator can even finish his sentence, The Cop rushes out without instruction to save the day.

Outside, the squad of Poopburbian Soldiers had already arrived. The Cop then easily dispatches of them. With his soldiers defeated, Dr. Fart himself flies down on a hover platform -- but without hesitation, The Cop punches him directly in the nose. Fart yells in anger about how he had a whole monologue prepared, claims he'll be back, and flies off. Funnyville then gives our hero an award, and he says he's going back to sleep.


  • While the first issue has no name, future issues are planned to have sub-titles.