Poopotron Line

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The Poopotron Line is a series of robots created by Dr. Poopy Fart. They are used as a testing ground for Poopburbian AI by Dr. Poopy Fart, with each intelligent model being used to test the limits of artificial intelligence, to be used in a limited extend on his basic soldiers.

The full line of Poopotrons, from 1-8.

List of Models

Poopotron 1 was an archaic mech suit designed by Fart.

Poopotron 2 was a larger, stronger mech suit.

Poopotron 3 strayed away from this design, becoming an automated robot with limited AI.

Poopotron 4 simply improved on Poopotron 3's design and was built at the same time as Poopotron 5.

Poopotron 5 was a supercomputer with extremely advanced AI that eventually went awol and betrayed the Poop army.

Poopotron 6 dumbed down the AI due to Poopotron 5's betrayal.

Poopotron 7 was out-sourced to Poopy Fart's engineers to be a commander robot but was ultimately deemed a failure.

Poopotron 8, the latest model, brought back the advanced AI as Poopy Fart felt more confident in both keeping his machine loyal, as well as if things turned to the worst, he believed his army could deal with it more efficently.